Coach: Amy Helm
Trainer: Dave Sheargold
Manager: Samantha Woolbank
It was a real pleasure coaching these amazing girls this 2020 season. It was really hard getting the girls to listen at training, but they were very entertaining and I loved watching their personalities develop and their confidence grow. I loved coaching them.
The season had its challenges, we ended up with 16 players in our team. I am grateful for every player, but time on the field was an issue and we tried real hard to ensure the girls got enough game time. We were also placed in the gold division which was a big ask, but I am so proud that the girls never stopped trying.
Watching the girls improve from week to week was really rewarding. The girls worked so hard on their skills and attack and defence at training and watching them replicate those skills in the game brought a tear to my eye.
We didn't win many games this season, but we got better at being positive and working as a team. I loved watching these girls develop as players and I hope the girls learnt a thing or two.
Thank you to all the parents for your support of the girls, and a big thank you to Dave and Samantha. I couldn't have done it without you two.
Best & Fairest: Charlotte Hall
Coaches Award: Zoe Roberts
Most Improved: Natalie Woolbank