When can Trainers enter the field of Play?

Access to the field is limited to:
When his / her team is in possession to conduct interchange and to administer water only (messages from coaching staff are not to be delivered). If trainers loiter on the field the ground manager has the right to direct him/ her off the field immediately and caution the trainer.
When a try has been scored.
During a “time out” called by the Referee for an injury.
During technical stoppages in play (EXCEPT SCRUMS). On-field personnel are NOT ALLOWED on the field of play after the Referee has ordered a scrum.
All personnel must enter and leave the field of play from an on-side position.
The Ground Manager will have the final say on whether on-field personnel are entering the field correctly and have to right to deny trainers entry if the guidelines are broken.
Nathan Waugh
GENERAL MANAGER – Cronulla Sutherland Junior League